I'm New


Minden Evangelical Free Church is a place where people can meet Jesus,  engage in life-giving community, and everyone is welcome. We believe in creating a space where people can have authentic encounters with Christ, discover their gifts and use them for God's glory. Join us for our Sunday services!

When we Meet

worship service

9:30 am 

Sunday school

11:00 am

What To Expect

What do I wear?

Wear what you normally wear. You will find everything from “Sunday best” to t-shirts and shorts. We care more about you than what you are wearing!

What do I do when i arrive?

You will be greeted by folks who would love to answer any questions you might have! Please stop by the Welcome Center and pick up a gift as a token of our appreciation for your visit. Make your way to the sanctuary doors where an usher will be waiting and glad to help you find a seat. Please fill out the Connect Card in the bulletin and leave it in the black box at the Welcome Center.

What about my kids?

We love children, and you will see lots of them here! While you are in the service, your kids can enjoy an experience designed just for them.  There is a nursery for children from newborn to 3 as well as Children's Church for ages 3 through 4th grade during the service. Sunday School check in begins at 11:00 am and class ends at 12 pm. Our children's ministry wing is a place where you can confidently leave your children, knowing that they will be well cared for and safe.

What will the service be like?

Warm, relational, and relaxed. Our music team opens the service with contemporary worship songs and frequently a traditional hymn. The messages are relevant to today’s world and grounded in God’s Word. They are designed to be helpful to those who are exploring God for the first time, and for long-time Christians seeking spiritual and personal growth.

What happens after the service?

We invite you to join us in the fellowship hall immediately following the service for cookies and hot coffee or tea. Following this short time of fellowship, you are invited to join any Bible Fellowship group. Our current group offerings are always listed in the bulletin, and you are welcome to join any group! 

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.